Coach Hill Drive is the name of the street that I grew up on for a good part of my childhood. It’s also the scene of my first foray into the world of designing and crafting. I started a smaller-than-small home business selling crocheted wire hangers. Even as a kid, I couldn’t settle for the ordinary. Why should a hanger only be a piece of twisted wire, when it could be something pretty? I crafted the hangers and my little brother and I sold them door-to door in our neighborhood. It felt good to do my part to spruce up neighbors’ closets, and it fueled my interest in making the ordinary, extraordinary!
I am not perfect, but the things I dream up in my head are! I often envision fun shirts, adorable classroom favors, sweet nail decals and unique gifts for friends. They look perfect in my imagination. The problem? I can never find the things I want exactly as I see them in my head. The solution? Make it myself! While I adore cookies (chocolate chip is my weakness), I am not a fan of cookie-cutter looks. All of my products are a result of intentionally inspired ideas, and I want to help you find the things you dream of. Browse the site, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, send me a note and together we will develop the pictures in your head!

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